Artists: Abdul Halik Azeez, Fatma Bucak, Jason File, Juan David Laserna, Lorie Novak, Deb Sokolow, Sputniko!
Curators: Oorja Garg, Tom Koren, Daniela Marin A., Abbas A Malakar, Sophia-Maria Takvorian, Gabriela Valentin, and Zihan Zhang
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 18, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 pm
April 18 - April 24, 2024
Pfizer Building, 630 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Monday - Friday, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm, weekends by appointment
To schedule an appointment to view the exhibition, please contact macp@sva.edu.
The MA Curatorial Practice program at the School of Visual Arts is pleased to present Filtered Matter, an exhibition curated by first-year students. This exhibition explores social filtration through modes of information consumption and dissemination, and how histories and materials are rendered peripheral. Here, we examine mechanisms of control, selective practices, and the algorithmic rhythms that define our lives.
Methodologies of filtration are typically associated with chemical and ecological spheres. However, filtration also plays out on a grand scale of socio-cultural and political narratives. This exhibition engages with filtration as a system of knowledge production, cultural refinement, and political manipulation, representing a constant negotiation between the seen and the unseen.
The Master of Arts degree in Curatorial Practice at the School of Visual Arts is a two-year program that focuses on intensive professional training, with a thorough grounding in the study of art and exhibition history, research, and theory. Students work with leading experts in an academic setting and in internships around the world, providing continuous opportunities to gain practical experience, acquire intellectual breadth, and develop a professional network in the field. The program takes full advantage of the vast number of arts institutions in New York City and the professionals working here and visiting, who constitute our distinguished faculty and weekly guest speakers. Go to macp.sva.edu to find out more.